May 2024
Special Event
Birthright & Blessing: The Things Handed Down in Congregations & Families
Monday, May 20, 2024
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Eastern
Online Via Zoom
What are the processes and patterns through which things are passed down through the generations? What is actually transmitted? How does this look in congregations and families? And what difference does it make? Are the sins of past generations visited on future generations? Over the course of the morning, we will look at the ways generational transmission flows through the lives of families and organizations, what factors may contribute to it and what functions it may serve. We will explore the ways cutoff and the multigenerational transmission process influence each other.
Rev. Jennifer Long
Keynote Speaker
Jennifer Long is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, a trained interim minister (IMN) and currently serves an ELCA congregation in the southern tier of New York. She graduated from the University of Hartford (1992) and Eden Theological Seminary (1996). She has participated in a variety of programs that engage Bowen Theory including five years in the Postgraduate Program at the Bowen Center for the Study of the Family (2014-2019). In almost 30 years of ministry, she has served in staff, solo, and interim roles as well as a consultant in church conflict.
Wife, mother of two, oldest sister of four, and daughter of an only son and middle daughter, she has a particular interest in points of connection between Bowen Family System Theory and spirituality, religious practice and church conflict.